Register to get hired directly by families (No agency)

*Required field

After you register, you can login with your password to access job offers, contact families and update your profile

Tell us about yourself

Be as precise as possible to get contacted by more families


*Required field

Put a photo where your face is clearly visible

You don't need to but it will increase your chance of finding a nice family (Note : tell the family in a video about yourself, your experience and what you love in being a nanny - don't forget to smile )


* Required field


* Required field

Can you provide the contact of your previous family for recommendations ?

Putting your recommendations is important - Nannies with recommendations get more contacted by families

By clicking yes, you should be able to provide the contact details of previous families who can recommend you during interview – Do not put contact detail here

I agree with the  terms and conditions and the privacy policy

Please wait for a few minutes after you click on register for your application to be processed